Inspirations and Origins
A juried exhibition of the Cumberland Furniture Guild at the Customs House Museum and Cultural Center, Clarksville, TN
August 10-October 28, 2012
The theme of this Cumberland Furniture Guild biennial exhibition is “Inspirations and Origins.” We asked makers to discuss the inspiration for their work and the responses were amazingly varied – from cooking pots, to plants, to personal challenge, to revered traditional furniture forms. The jurors – Candace, Adelson, Kim Brooks, and Matthew Teague – were then asked to select works which, in their opinion, not only exemplified fine craft and artistry, but also successfully accomplished these stated or implied visions and goals.
The resulting exhibition, which also includes invited works by some of Tennessee’s master furniture makers, is diverse in inspirations, techniques, and materials, as well as in interpretations of what handmade furniture is all about. These works truly represent the entire broad field of American furniture-making today – from precises replicas of exquisite antiques, to modern takes on furniture for sitting, drinking coffee, or writing, to non-functional “deconstructed” pieces. As the jurors noted, it proves once again the the art of furniture making has never faded in Tennessee and continues to rightfully to remain on the cutting edge in the national arena.
August 10-October 28, 2012
The theme of this Cumberland Furniture Guild biennial exhibition is “Inspirations and Origins.” We asked makers to discuss the inspiration for their work and the responses were amazingly varied – from cooking pots, to plants, to personal challenge, to revered traditional furniture forms. The jurors – Candace, Adelson, Kim Brooks, and Matthew Teague – were then asked to select works which, in their opinion, not only exemplified fine craft and artistry, but also successfully accomplished these stated or implied visions and goals.
The resulting exhibition, which also includes invited works by some of Tennessee’s master furniture makers, is diverse in inspirations, techniques, and materials, as well as in interpretations of what handmade furniture is all about. These works truly represent the entire broad field of American furniture-making today – from precises replicas of exquisite antiques, to modern takes on furniture for sitting, drinking coffee, or writing, to non-functional “deconstructed” pieces. As the jurors noted, it proves once again the the art of furniture making has never faded in Tennessee and continues to rightfully to remain on the cutting edge in the national arena.